Community Development Alliance Scotland has announced 10th September 2019 as the date of their Annual Conference

IACD is a global organization with strong ties to the community development associations in Scotland. Scotland has a proud, rich history of pioneering developments and methods in community development, and IACD is thrilled to announce that Community Development Alliance Scotland is holding their annual conference in Edinburgh on 10th September 2019. The theme this year is, “Community Development and Tackling Inequalities?”

The keynote speaker for this conference is Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government in the Scottish Government. The 2019 CDAS conference will explore the challenges and opportunities in tackling inequalities through empowering communities. There will be exploration of community development responses including community action, community-led project delivery, and collaborative action across sectors which addresses the root causes of inequality and barriers to community participation.

The conference will take place from 10:30 – 15:30 on 10th September at the Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue, 16 St Mary’s St, EH1 1SU.

You can register now here.