Here you’ll find the full versions of our International Standards and the newly launched Summary Standards. Our latest translation is the April 2021 Chinese translation of the Summary Standards; we also just launched the latest translation of the Summary Standards – Ukrainian! Watch this space for more updates.

The International Standards for Community Development

IACD published the International Standards for Community Development in June 2018 at the Ireland World Community Development Conference. The adoption of these Standards internationally and by several national professional CD associations and their subsequent translation in a dozen languages, with more currently being translated, is evidence that this work has resonated strongly with practitioners, employers and CD educators across the world and are already being used to inform course design.  You will find several language versions below. Further language versions will be posted soon. We express huge thanks to IACD members who volunteered to produce these translations. If any IACD member would like to volunteer to translate the standards into other languages, we are very keen to hear from you. Please let us know and we will send you guidance and following translation and checking publish. Please contact our administrator

Summary Standards