IACD’s Membership Update

It’s been a fantastic summer for IACD, and we’d like to give you an update on our membership.

Following our 2019 World Community Development Conference in Dundee this June, we received a record number of membership applications.  From the final day of the conference until 31st July, we added 53 new members to our organization from 23 different countries.  Of these 53 new members, nine joined us because the attended WCDC2019 and two joined because they heard feedback from colleagues about the conference.

IACD also recently increased our student membership as a result of the conference in Dundee.  Out of the 53 new members we welcomed post-conference, 30 are currently studying toward a degree in a field related to community development. 

As of this morning, 7th August 2019, IACD has a total membership of 494 people, and we would love to have 500 members by the end of this month!

Membership with IACD comes with many benefits:

So if you’ve not joined us yet, please do so today!  You can join by clicking here.