WCDC2019 Legacy and Note to Presenters

* Photo ©Alistair Kerr Photography, alistairkerr.com *

The following is a message from Dr. Victoria Jupp Kina, the Academic Director of the 2019 World Community Development Conference:

” I hope that the positive energy that we collectively created over a truly unique three days (or 8 days for some!) has remained with you during your journeys back home and as we all step back into our regular work routines. And if the memories of our time together are starting to fade, you can now refresh them by having a look at the photos and films of the conference – please see the links at the end of this email to relive the memories!

As part of the conference legacy, the Conference Planning Group would like to draw your attention to the following opportunities:

1. We will be making all of the conference presentations available online via our conference website. If you prefer for your powerpoint presentation to NOT be made publicly available please let either myself (v.juppkina@dundee.ac.uk) or Meredith (info@iacdglobal.org) know by the 31st July 2019.

2. We will be producing a special issue of the IACD Practice Insights magazine highlighting key issues and debates from WCDC2019. We are particularly keen to include articles that highlight insightful dialogues that occurred during or as a result of the conference. If you have any ideas for potential articles, please send your ideas to me (v.juppkina@dundee.ac.uk) by 1st August 2019.  

3. We are delighted to be collaborating with the Radical Community Work Journal to publish a special issue as part of our conference legacy. The deadline for submitting your abstract is 1st August 2019 – please send your abstracts and direct all queries to: editors@rcwjournal.org

4. Finally, please do keep an eye out for your invitation to complete the WCDC2019 Delegate Survey – a link to this should pop up in your inbox in the next few days. Please do take a few moments to complete this as we genuinely value your feedback.

Thanks again to you all for ensuring WCDC2019 was a conference to remember! “