Have Your Say in the Future of IACD


As we work on our new Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2015, we invite you to take our on-line survey.

This process allows us to reflect on issues and priorities and to co-create a new strategic direction for the IACD. Now is the time to have a voice in influencing the future direction and priorities of IACD. Your ideas and suggestions are very important and will be used in the preparation of a new Strategic Plan.

There are three basic questions to be addressed – What should the IACD do in the next 4 years? For whom should we do it? How do we do it better?  Please take 20 minutes to complete the survey by clicking on the link below, thank you!  Closing date is the 31st of March, 2011.

You can access our on-line survey from the home page of our website or click here:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/IACDsurvey