Writing for the Community Development Journal: IACD’s valued academic partner


IACD’s partner academic journal is the Community Development Journal, published by Oxford University Press in the UK. The association has had a close working relationship since signing a Memorandum of Understanding not long after IACD moved its operations to the UK at the turn of the millennium.

CDJ’s Editorial Board is independent of IACD, but IACD Board members have served on the editorial Board and IACD Board member KK Fung is a member of the CDJ international advisory group and has co-edited the latest issue. CDJ is available at a reduced subscription to IACD members.

The Editor of the Community Development Journal ran two very successful workshops on Writing for CDJ and other Publications at IACD’s Glasgow international community development conference, in order to encourage more practitioners to write for the journal and ‘academic’ publications generally.

The Powerpoint slides for his presentation can be downloaded here:
Writing for the Community Development Journal

Formal information for authors can be found on the main Community Development website here.

CDJ is published in English. Abstracts are translated into French, Spanish, and Chinese, published once a year, and available to read for free online. Check out the CDJ website https://academic.oup.com/cdj