Extended Deadlines: 2020 World Community Development Conference

WCDC2020 Early-Bird Registration

If you thought you missed the deadline to register for WCDC2020 using the early-bird discount, you’re in luck! You now have until 20th January 2020 to register and pay for your conference fee. Register here today!

Proposals for WCDC2020

We are still welcoming abstract submissions from delegates until 28th February, 2020. Abstracts submitted for oral and poster presentation must be no more than 300 words. The abstracts will be subjected to peer-review.  Consideration for acceptance will be based on quality, originality, how well the abstract reflects the conference theme and sub-themes, as well as its contribution to existing and emerging community development theory, practice, policy and research. Presenters of accepted abstracts for oral presentations will be allocated a 10 minutes.  Approximately 30 minutes at the end of each session will be allocated for panel discussion and a Q&A session.

Your abstract submission should contain the following:

  • A short bio of the author/s
  • Title and description of background, problem of focus, methods, analysis, findings/outcomes, conclusions and recommendations.
  • The sub-theme the abstract focuses on
  • Abstracts should be Font 12, Times New Roman, and single spaced

Click here to submit your abstract today!

Abstract Themes

the full list of sub-themes for WCDC2020

More Information on WCDC2020

So far, we have received abstract submissions from every region of the globe. This conference promises to truly represent global voices and views and provide space for delegates to share their knowledge.

WCDC2020 will be a celebration of community development – a discipline and practice that seeks to nurture the enduring community spirit that holds communities together.

It is a fact that community life occurs within contexts that are promotive of healthy communities but equally that also have shocks and uncertainties which pose a challenge to meeting even the basics of live including hope. Yet communities through their enduring connectedness are constantly engaged in efforts to bounce back, and indeed, often do bounce back in spite of the adversities within vulnerable contexts– largely because of drawing from the wide range of resources and assets from within and without the community.

Community development ethos and processes also enable communities to be resilient! Lastly, community development seeks to actualise communities’ goal of enhancing their staying power through sustainable empowerment interventions from within and without. It helps if community development is undertaken within a context that is predictable – where standards – ethical, legal and value driven – underpin the process.

It is this nexus between community development as the glue that holds and nurtures communities together within a context of many transformation forces of community empowerment in a turbulent world that this conference seeks to explore and equally celebrate. To achieve this, the WCDC2020 conference will be composed of sessions to deliberate and address these concerns from the perspectives of academics, practitioners, and indeed stakeholders at all levels of experience from grassroots to policy making levels.

If you have any questions about the conference, please email wcdc2020@acdpk.org