General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

In line with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we’ve made some changes to our privacy policy. We’ve also put together a quick guide on what GDPR means to you (see below).

Now is also a great time to review your preferences and let us know how you would like to be contacted using the instructions below. If you have already done so, you don’t need to do it again. To opt in to continue receiving notifications, magazines and news, please email ‘Yes’ to

Alternatively, click here: and scroll down the very bottom of the page, enter your email address and click on ‘subscribe’. You will receive an email notification asking you to confirm your subscription. Click on the link and this will automatically update your subscription preferences. If we do not hear from you by 1st July 2018, we will no longer send you updates and publications.  However, you can always re-subscribe at any time by using the link and instuctions above.


What is GDPR and what does it mean for you?

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in Europe on May 25th 2018.

We want to give you a brief summary of what this means for you, but also to let you know what data we collect and why we collect it.

What is GDPR?

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new piece of EU-wide legislation which replaces the existing UK Data Protection Act 1998. It requires businesses, such as ourselves, to give you more detail about the data we collect about you, how we use that data, who we share that data with and your rights. It also means that we need to get active consent to contact you. This means that you have to consent to us contact you in order for us to do so, rather than the current legislation where we can assume consent unless you actively opt out.

So what data does IACD collect?

We collect several pieces of information/data when you join as a member, such as:

– Your name and address;
– Details such as where you heard about us and why you wish to join as a member
– Your connection to community development

However, we will be reviewing what information that we ask for in the online membership form over the coming months and we will inform you of any changes.

*For subscriptions, we only collect your email address.

Why is that data collected?

For Members

The data we collect is used to:

– Send you IACD updates and publicatoins such as Practice Insights
– Store your details so that we may track membership numbers and trends
– Send you reminders to renew your membership
– Send you lapse notifications if a renewal is not completed before the lapse date

For Subscribers

– Send you IACD updates and publications such as Practice Insights
– Store your email address so that we can track subscriber numbers

Are you able to request that we not collect your data?

Yes. When you opt-in to subscribe to IACD (as a full member or as a subscriber) there is an ‘unsubscribe’ button in the email. You can keep a copy of this email saved in your inbox so that you can unsubscribe without having to contact us, or you can email and request to have your details removed.

How we protect your data

We take the safety and integrity of your personal data incredibly seriously. We use secure systems to store your details and we will never share these with anyone outside of IACD staff and Board members without your permission.

Kind regards,

The IACD Team


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50 Wellington Street
Glasgow, Scotland G2 6HJ