IACD POSITION STATEMENT – Community Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As an association with global interests and impacts, we have expressed our support for the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  As a result of a four-month consultation process with our membership, the Board has agreed that support for the SDGs implementation will be our main policy into practice area of priority over the coming years, under the headline Without Community Development There Is No Sustainable Development.

The purpose of this Position Statement is to help governments (at all levels), non-governmental organisations, the business and scientific sectors understand that without prior and ongoing community development work, that assists citizens at a local level, together with communities of identity, to participate as active and informed partners in their implementation, the goals will be far harder to reach.

This Position Statement has also been developed to help IACD members and the wider Community Development field to explain to governments (at all levels) non-governmental organisations and others the contribution that development supports at grassroots levels can bring.

The statement can be found on our website here: Community Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Members are encouraged to disseminate this Position Statement.