Save the Date: July 25-28, 2010 for the IACD/CDS international conference on disaster recovery

The International Association for Community Development and the American Community Development Society will come together in July 2010 for their first ever joint conference. Our joint international conference will take place in New Orleans which in 2005 suffered huge damage especially to the concentrated poorer, generally black, communities of hurricane Katrina and the failures by the political authorities to both prevent such destruction but also to help the residents of these communities.

The conference will offer opportunities for students, practitioners, researchers, and policymakers to share experiences, expertise, and/or research findings on innovative strategies to improve the process and practice of community development.

New Orleans, devastated by the 2005 hurricane Katrina, has tested new approaches in CD and disaster recovery using innovative practices which we as community developers can learn from and apply elsewhere.Participants will witness how  innovative community and economic development has played in rebuilding and reconnecting the community.


IACD members will receive a $110 discount on conference registration. Conference registration will open in March 2010.

For information on registration (registration will open in March):
CDS Business Office